Aramex Australia

See all reviews of Aramex Australia.

All reviews of Aramex Australia. See what customers are saying about Aramex Australia.

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Reviews of Aramex Australia

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Reviews, comments

Reg Offer - 6/6/2024 15:16:12

I dont want to give up personal finance info to locate a parcel even if fee is refundable!! Its crazy

Kr - 3/11/2024 5:21:33


Mike - 12/10/2023 4:20:51

Need up-to-date tracking as no change in tracking information in 5 days is very poor.

Debbie Tyrrell - 11/17/2023 9:41:06

Pretty crappy service, can't even pick up my parcel for delivery to my home after customs.

Neil - 10/25/2023 18:21:25

Don’t update tracking information

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